Today, even though it was my late day to show up to work, I woke up at 6 (not really sure why…). After my morning ablutions, I sat down to check my email when it suddenly hit me. I realized what a gift I had on my hands; 3 solid, beautiful, magnificent hours of free time. Oh baby. What the heck was I doing sitting in front of my computer checking email?? So, with that in mind, I dropped my friend off at his class and decided to make the most of the rest of my newly found free time. I mowed the lawn, set the sprinkler system (yes, in addition to growing long, my grass has also taken on a hint of yellow), and even cleaned the bathroom. Then, I sat down and started on my devos, which, to be truthful, has really lagged as of late.
This morning, my devos took me through the early part of
Ephesians. While reading through the beginning of the passage, it really hit me just how much of a mess we are. We were dead in our transgressions and sin, following the ways of the world and gratifying the cravings of sinful nature. We were objects of wrath…yikes! The first three verses really hammer in just how lost, how far gone, how hopeless we are. We’re not just a little spiritually sick, or spiritually weak, but no, Paul says we’re
dead. Death is a separation, so when we die, we’re separated from other people, permanently (duh). Likewise, spiritual death is a separation from God. It’s funny, when I think about my life, I don’t tend to think of it as steeped in sin or being a terrible mess (most of the time), but that’s exactly how it is, that’s exactly how it can be.
Then, in verse four, there’s a dramatic change, going from a gloomy outlook to something different, precipitated by the phrase “
But God…” I was deserving of punishment from him,
But God…I was disobedient to Him,
But God… At these two words, the passage takes a dramatic turn:
it is by grace you have been saved. This change then leads into the fact and realization that I can’t work my way into anything, but only and purely by the grace of God would I be able to saved. Only God can work my sinful soul into heaven. God has transformed me and allowed me to be able to be with Christ.
Two days ago I witnessed my friend get baptized, and as she went into the water and came back up, in my mind, the symbolism of that dramatic change took place. I know…she was a Christian already and the baptism is a public profession of belief, but to me, at that moment, God transformed her.
This passage ends with one of the most humbling and beautiful sentences I’ve ever read:
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Here, the word “workmanship” can mean product, project, or masterpiece. We are his
workmanship, created and worked upon constantly at His pleasure. Makes me think sometimes…how can I just take that and run with it? How can I just live with that fact and not do anything about it?
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God…"