Thursday, September 15, 2011

The far side of the moon…

Have you ever thought…what if? Have you ever wondered what would have happened if things turned out a little differently? I’m often guilty of second-guessing the things that happen, playing it out in my head had something wound up a little differently. I know…it’s essentially wasted effort on my part, but I can’t help but think of the possibilities that could unfold had something been a little differently. At the end of the day, you can’t un-ring a bell, and I can’t make something different happen, but it is interesting to wonder about what could've been...

Recently I’ve been on a bit of a space kick. Maybe it’s because July was the 42nd anniversary of the moon-landing; maybe it’s because the last space shuttle already went up and came back; maybe it’s deeply rooted from my dreams of becoming an astronaut when I was a kid. In any case, I continue to find myself enamored with man’s endeavors into space. Last week, I came across (somewhere online…) a message prepared by a staff writer for President Nixon on the occasion of the moon-landing. No, not the short message Nixon gave over the telephone to the astronauts as they were on their way back from the moon. No, this was a different message. This is what could've been...:

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