Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to put your beliefs to the ultimate test? If there were severe consequences to hanging on to what you believe…would you still believe it? Would you admit to it? Part of me thinks that we’re very fortunate to live in a time and place where we’re not necessarily at risk of being put in that situation on a daily basis. Another part of me thinks that that may not necessarily be for the best. Would I be more resolute in my convictions had they been put to the test? I think my faith is wishy-washy at times because I’ve never had to defend it. How would I react if I were put to the test? I’d love to say that I’d stick by my convictions 100%, but until that moment, I won’t know for sure how I’d react. A few weeks ago, I read a friend’s blog post on eggs, carrots, and coffee beans boiling in water. Each reacts differently to the trial, the egg hardening, the carrot softening, and the coffee beans changing the water. What would I be??
In 1633, when faced with an Inquisition on his Heliocentric view of the universe, Galileo was found to be a heretic and order to recant his teachings that the Earth revolved around the sun. Under oath, Galileo was forced to recant his life’s work and teaching before a panel of Church officials. Legend has it that after he recanted he muttered under his breath “eppur si muove”. That part, of course, is apocryphal. If Galileo really said “it still moves”, he would’ve most certainly been either imprisoned or put to death on the spot. However, this tale makes me wonder if I’d have the guts to do that? Would I be so sure of my beliefs that I’d risk everything to declare it?
Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
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