Tuesday, February 1, 2011

recycling begets recycling…

California and its residents are known for many things. We’re depicted in media and popular culture as prius-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, recycle nuts. We recycle everything from paper and bottles to batteries and cars. Californians lead the nation in recycling fervor, and are second only to some crazy Europeans in strict recycling practices. Today I heard an interesting argument that our recycling habits aren’t stringent enough.

Apparently in germany, they take recycling to a whole new level of zeal (big surprise). The different rules and regulations about what can be recycled in which kind of recycling bin puts Californian environmental practices to shame. Not only are there rules on which days you can place glass bottles into receptacles (Saturdays but not Sundays), but there are different bins for different colored glass. Apparently this inconvenience for recycling is supposed to aid the cause of recycling, as it raises the price of using containers that should be recycled.

I’m not certain I agree. I can tell you that after observing my housemates for the last 4 months, I’ve seen bottles and cans thrown in the garbage because the recycle bin is farther away (6.5 ft). Inconvenience doesn’t seem likely to raise recycling awareness…nice try.

1 comment:

Brian Cho said...

or maybe it's because the housemates don't throwout the full "recycle bin" in the house, which then makes it easier to throw things away in the trashcan....unless that's full too.
