Tuesday, March 15, 2011


8 hours ago i was sitting my cubicle.
4 hours ago i was in a budget meeting.
2 hours ago i was cooking lunch for tomorrow.
1 hour ago i was watching tv.
30 minutes ago i sent out an email for brackets.
now i'm plopped in front of my laptop, typing out some random crap, surrounded only by a blanket and the glow of my computer screen. i think i'm starting to feel like solomon when he penned the early part of ecclesiastes. in the grand scheme of things, isn't everything pretty much meaningless? everything listed above, when put into context of what's going on in my town with the special election, in my state with the budget crisis, in my country with the endless war, and yes, in my world with all the natural disasters. when placed next to these, what does it matter if i'm wasting away at work or filling out brackets? nothing any of us seem to be doing feels like anything when placed in the context of what's going on everywhere else.

i don't even know where i'm going with this rant. kinda wish this was like that little mission impossible tape that turns into a puff of smoke after the first person that comes along and reads it...


George Hu said...

M. Wittmer wrote this: I want to examine what "meaning of life" books typically overlook. They are right to tell us we are created for worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship, bt they are wrong to stop there. Look at the list again. While it more or less covers our responsibilities as Christians, it says little about what it means to be human. Does our purpose in life consist entirely in these spiritual activities, or is there also some value in showin up for work, waxing our car, playing with our children, or taking a trip to the beach - just a few of the many things we do, not because we are Christians, but because we are human?

Just wanted to share with you.

Brenda said...

reminds me of the first line from Brooke Fraser's C.S. Lewis Song.

"If i find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy, I can only conclude that I was not made for here"