Wednesday, March 16, 2011

going in circles...

I think I’ve figured out the solution to all suburbanite pollution. I know…bold statement, but it’s true. As I was driving home tonight I came across one of these and for the first time…it hit me. Are you ready for this? Are ya? ARE YA?! Ok…here we go...

Turning Circles.

Simplicity itself.

The concept of a turning circle is just so simple and pure, when ppl get to one they just seem to know their way around and everything just sorts itself out. Just think!! If we replace all the 4-way stops in suburban areas with these roundabouts, we’d save the environment 2 ways. First…waaaay less brakepad dust on the roads AND since we’re not going to a complete stop…less gas is wasted!! Yep. We dream in poetry, govern in prose.

Hmm…now I just gotta convince the world that this will be good. Heck…if obama can get the peace prize for looking pretty, I better get at least some environmentalist thing like a Golden Leaf or something (that could've been something i made up...not a real award...). mm just a thought...


Brenda said...

sorry can't help to comment. I believe there are tons of papers on this. It's called Traffic Calming.

That paper concludes that traffic calming would reduce pollution, noise, and accidents. But doesn't dare quantify how much pollution such measures would reduce. (p.24)

Jack Zhu said...

if this has been around then how has this not take off yet? I don't think it needs to be measured to see how much this would help! plus it practically doesn't cost a thing to paint a circle on the ground!!