Tuesday, April 24, 2012

frozen jalapeño magic

This morning I made a quick stop at safeway to pick up some food for lunch (trying not to eat out for lunch as much as before). As I was going from the bread aisle to the lunchmeat section (of course they put it in opposite areas of the store), I stopped by the snack aisle, and, much to my disappointment, I discovered that safeway no longer carries the jalapeño cheetos anymore. If you've never tried these before, then you haven't tried cheese powder, pepper flavoring, and MSG yummyness the way it should be enjoyed. My friend dan introduced me to these things last april when we did a st. patrick's day potluck at his place. The funny thing was, it wasn't the fact that he just had a bag of this stuff laying around, but when he asked us if we wanted to try some, he pulled the bag out of the freezer. Now, this was a novel idea for me, but let me tell you, they taste waaayyy better right out of the freezer than when they just sit around at room temperature. I don't know if it's the cooling sensation matching the semi-spiciness, but it was magical. According to frito-lays, these things are still in production, which means I need to keep my eyes peeled (or petition my local safeway to stock them again) for these awesome little thingys. Let me know if you come across any.

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