Monday, August 27, 2012

50 beans | the boring-est subject ever...

Have you ever wondered whether your drink selection or choice of drink equipment conveys certain notions about you? I believe it does, and here’s my logic…

A few months ago, I had an early morning meeting, so before I head to the conference room, I went down to pick up a cup of coffee. Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you might have surmised that I’m an iced coffee person. There’s nothing wrong with hot coffee; as a matter of fact I enjoy hot coffee all the time, but my preference is usually for iced coffee. Well I picked up my iced double espresso, added a little bit of half-and-half, and went back upstairs to the conference room. As I walked in, I noticed some of my coworkers coming in with coffee too. Some had the office coffee in paper cups, others had gone down to Starbucks or Temple and picked up some coffees (hot) and were also getting settled in to their seats.

As I sat down, they all looked at my drink (well most of them). The condensation had started to collect on the side of my cup and was slowly dripping down and collecting in a pool on the table. The second I picked up my cup, *drip drip* it went across my notebook and a little on my shirt. As I sipped my drink from the little green straw protruding from the lid of my drink, I realized that I was the odd man out. In a room of hot drinks, I was sipping from a straw on a cold drink. With water drippings on my notes and shirt. *sigh*

Since that day, I’ve never gotten an iced drink when I have morning meetings. While everyone else is sipping their hot coffee out of paper cups and paying attention during the meeting, you’re busy worried about drying the side of your cup and slurping from a straw like a kid. Did it seem less professional? Sure, I think it does a little bit. Of course I’m also the guy that thinks that drinking from a bendy straw makes you less of a man, so maybe my logic is flawed somehow, or I’m just a little more sensitive about my coffee drinking apparatus than others.

So, to conclude, hot drinks are for meetings; cold drinks are for when you’re alone in your cubicle and have access to paper towels. Happy sipping!


deBOrah said...

skipping the iced coffee in the morning is a silly solution. next time just crank up the a/c in the meeting room before it starts. the hot coffee drinkers will be happy with a warm cup in their hands, and you'll be drip free. albeit a little chilly.

Jack Zhu said...

hmm...interesting solution. i'll keep that in mind.