Saturday, May 29, 2010

cherries crawfish and callous

After a long week at work and some pockets of treasured time spent with friends, it’s time for a nice, long, lazy Saturday. After some light yardwork to start the morning, I picked some fresh cherries, plucked at the parkwood for a bit and settled down to catch up on some reading that I vowed to have done for quite some time. About 25 pages into Francis Chan’s Forgotten God, I got a bit restless and remembered that Vandy had given me some crawfish that his friend brought back from a trip.

Yeah…never had crawfish before…

I didn’t even know how to cook it…do I steam it? Do I boil it? Who knows?? After a two minute phone call and a quick visit to Wikipedia…I was on my way. What’s the worse that could happen?


After putting the water on the boil, I went upstairs cradling a bowl of cherries and the book I’m supposed to be reading, trying yet again to get some quiet time to read. 20 pages later the water was boiling and the little creatures went into the pot. After another three minutes of boiling they went over to the other side of the stove to start the cool off process. At this point I stepped out to get some more cherries and when I came back inside…I noticed something amiss.

What in the world is that stench??!!

I guess what my friend has perhaps forgotten to tell me is that crawfish has a distinct odor. After eating it your hands will smell like shellfish for the next few days…even as I’m typing this I’m rubbing crawfish juices all over my keyboard (kidding. No juices just smell). As I picked up the first one…I had no clue what to do…do I bite into it? Do I peel it and eat? What do I do with the head? After a few trials I got the hang of it…there really wasn’t much to eat…just picking at stuff really. Now that I’m done I’ve come to realize that cherries and crawfish may not have been the best combination.

That’s ok…it’s good learning experience on a slow Saturday.

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