Saturday, July 31, 2010

epic amish kitchen fail

How hard could it be to make scrapple? After searching high and low (seriously went to every Mexican and asian supermarket in sac) for pork liver, I finally obtained the necessary ingredients for scrapple. In case you don’t know…scrapple is an Amish dish made from pork scraps such as liver and other pieces of meat that is left over after a pig is carved up. It is then mixed with cornmeal and boiled down. Given the apparent simplicity of the recipe, I thought…how hard could it possibly be to recreate this traditional dish? Oh…I was in for a surprise.

First of all, scrapple needs to be chilled and set into a spam-like consistency. Then it needs to be sliced and fried so that it forms a crispy slice of mushy meat. I know…doesn’t sound really appealing but trust me…it’s good. Well, since there are various recipe’s online, each with different set of ingredients depending on the family and their traditions, I thought I’d just try a little from every recipe and try to create my own little chef d’oeuvre. Hehe yeah that didn’t quite work out.

I think I used too much cornmeal and not enough meat other than the porkliver. The resulting creation was not really firm enough to slice and ended up as a grayish mass with a consistency of really bad oatmeal. Oh man, this wasn’t what I expected. As I tweak with the recipe over the next week, I’m going to have to keep in mind the lessons learned here and try again. Yes…even though today’s test was an epic fail…I’m gonna have to pick myself up off the mat and keep going…stay tuned…hopefully the next one turns out decent.

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