Sunday, July 4, 2010

I’m weird…but that's ok cuz everyone's weird.

I’ve recently been challenged to list ten weird things about myself…for me the real challenge is limiting it to ten…

Everytime I watch House, I believe that I have whatever mystery ailment the patient of the week has. That’s ok…I usually just assure myself that drinking a glass of water will cure the lupus.

I have a preference for teaspoons…for stirring coffee, eating ice cream, and other stuff. Tablespoons...not so much. I’m sure there’s some kind of reason for it…haven’t found out what it is yet.

I don’t like it when the MU games area is overrun by high-schoolers and kids having birthday parties on the weekends. It’s not that I don’t like kids running around screaming their head off and chucking 6lb bowling balls at each just ruins the ambiance and tranquility of an otherwise decent pool hall.

I go through several breakfast phases every year. Usually it starts off as PBJ every morning for a month or two…then it transitions into PB tortillas (yeah it’s freakin awesome). That eventually gives way to hardboiled eggs and soymilk. Currently it’s strawberries, craisins, and habanero almonds (I know…I keep blue diamond in business). If I ever switch to cocoa puffs… please shoot me.

I dip my fries in a chocolate shake. Mmm. That’s right.

I’m averse to crowds. I think that’s probably because I’m out-of-sync with the rest of the world. I like to go to supermarkets either early in the AM or late at night, I eat lunch at 11:30 or 1 to avoid the lunchtime rush, and I dread going to work at exactly 8:30am because I know the elevator is going to be full and stop at EVERY floor from G to 10.

Speaking of elevators…I’m a leaner. It’s always a bit awkward to stand in the middle of an elevator…back walls are the best, side walls are second. If you have no choice…lean against the door and face everyone. It’s a little weird at first but that’s ok…at least you’re leaning. Just move when you hear the ding or you’ll go flying out on the 3rd floor.

I tend to save venti iced starbucks cups for drinking water…I usually switch it out once a week or so. I’m too lazy to get a permanent ice/water cup and reusing a starbucks cup give the illusion that I’m green. Socially speaking, it’s almost like driving a Prius except I get to keep my man card.

Sometimes I watch Monk on TV and think to myself…I do that sometimes. Oh well…my life isn’t a TV show. (although…sometimes I get the eerie Truman Show feeling…ever get that??)

I only order one thing at a restaurant. Ever. At chipotle it’s the chicken fajita bowl, café italia is the clams linguine, dos coyotes is the paella burrito, and alejandros is always the super quesadilla.

Hmm…all this talk about food makes me wanna get some In-n-out fries and a chocolate shake. brb

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