Sunday, November 21, 2010

trick-or-treat evangelism

Ok I know Halloween was like…3 weeks ago, but this thought randomly occurred to me as I was sitting in church today listening to Eugene, our missions deacon, give the monthly missions update. Recently, I’ve seen a few friends engage in evangelism right here in Davis. For example, Lynn and a few others would routinely approach random people on campus and just get their opinions regarding religion. Clare goes to the I-house regularly to talk to international students and have conversations about religion. The folks in our fellowship and our church have been seeking out different opportunities to be able to minister and share with people right here in our community. I wonder if it’s ever occurred to anybody to do a trick-or-treat ministry?

I know…a lot of churches frown on kids trick-or-treating and some frown on Halloween in general; some even set up their own carnival-style events so that their kids and parents can go participate in rather than trick-or-treat. This makes me wonder though, is it really the best approach? I mean seriously, the one day people will gladly open their doors to you, and you choose not to go?

I know…this brain-fart of an idea probably has many things that I haven’t considered yet…such as the safety of the kids (although it makes me wonder if parents are walking their kids…how different is that from any other night?) and the possibility of getting the door slammed in your face. At the same time…is it an idea worth entertaining?

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