Wednesday, December 5, 2012

twenty-five | day 5 – leeroy and shadrack

Hoof prints on the roof
you don’t suppose it’s santa?!
hmm…nahh couldn’t be…

As Christmas is approaching, there has been quite a few articles are the web regarding the background behind santa and his reindeer train. While santa has been a part of Christmas lore for a long time, reindeer have only been pulling his sleigh for the past 200 years or so. I imagine before the reindeer days, santa was hustling a lot more. No wonder he’s so big now.

His reindeer have gone through some changes as well. Initially there were 8 reindeer, then two or three more got added. Rudolph was added as a marketing ploy for Montgomery Ward back in 1939. Santa also has a few lesser known reindeer in his stable (ones that may not be mentioned in the Christmas carols). There’s Shadrack the black reindeer – starting in 1974, and Leeroy the redneck reindeer – since 1995. I would imagine these two reindeer would come in handy when santa navigates the rougher neighborhoods of Oakland or Little Rock. If we include all reindeer from the various Christmas songs out there, one website estimates that Santa has a total of 28 reindeer. That’s gotta make you feel bad for the elf that’s assigned to poop-scooper duty.

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