Thursday, February 16, 2012

50 beans | this could be worse than the bacon-shake

When Mike told me that jack-in-the-box had a bacon milkshake, I was confused. There was no way something that tasted like bacon could be blended into a shake and still taste good. Plus I was certain that it wasn't going to be heart-healthy (well...almost certain).

Then, I saw this on yahoo today. Someone had apparently gone down to starbucks and, using a free drink coupon, ordered the most rediculous drink order ever. He was trying to compile the biggest, priciest starbucks drink he could, and I think he managed to do it: a 31oz 16-shot java-chip frappuccino that came out to $23.60 (+ tip). This drink had so many different varieties of addon syrups, strawberry and banana puree, and even protein, that it makes me a little sick just thinking about it.

While I'm of the opinion that coffee wasn't meant to be enjoyed like that, I supposed the notion to each his own comes to mind. While I'm sure it was a challenge for that guy just to prove a point, I guess coffee enjoyment can take on various forms. I dunno, I just can't wrap my head around adding fruit puree to my coffee. Just like how I don't understand the benefits of adding bacon to a vanilla shake.


superrab said...

Bacon shake wasn't so bad, lol

Jack Zhu said...

oohh you tried it?! did it have little bits of bacon suspended in it like boba pearls??

Michael said...

no, it's just bacon flavoring i think. you've gotta try it