Monday, May 7, 2012

remember to use the crosswalk.

Yikes, I certainly saw my share of cops today. The drive into work was a little weird and strangely familiar. The causeway slowed down to 60mph as there must've been at least 10 police vehicles driving down hwy80 towards Sacramento. My suspicions were confirmed when I got in to work this morning: today is the annual peace officer memorial service at the capitol. Police officers from all over the state come together at the capitol to honor the officers killed in the line of duty.

I still remember the first time I experienced the annual memorial service. It was spring quarter 2006, and I was on my way to work. As I was walking toward the capitol building, I noticed that they had turned 10th street into a parking area for police vehicles. Across from 10th St. on the lawn of the capitol grounds, was the memorial, with at least 700 police officers from all over the state gathered there waiting for the ceremony to start. Since the street in front of me had essentially been converted into a parking lot, I assumed it was safe to cross the street at the most convenient point. At that moment, a crowd of police officers turned and looked my way. I wasn't really sure what was going on so I kept walking across the street. Upon reaching the other side of the road, the police nearest me walked up to me and asked: do you realize you just jaywalked in front of at least 700 cops? After giving me a little good-humored ribbing, he let me continue on my way (I like to think it was my folksy charm that did the trick). Phew! If you thought for a second that I jaywalked today you'd be out of your mind! After that day, I made sure that on police memorial service day I look both ways before crossing at the crosswalk when the walking man blinks at me.

By the time I was heading home after work, I assumed the rest of my day was going to be cop-free. I was sooo wrong. I have to tell you, it's a little unsettling when you turn onto your street and see flashing lights and swat folks by your house. I suspect Davis PD doesn't get action like this often and have all come out to have something fun to do. An hour later the standoff ended and the cops left. Well, it's been a funny day (funny-weird, not funny-haha), so until next year's police memorial day, hopefully my interactions with cops will be confined to FBC meetings and not much else.

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