Tuesday, May 15, 2012

some old testament action

I'm glad we're starting to go through 1 & 2 Kings in Acacia. I've always had a difficult time remembering which kings did what, which ones followed God, and which ones were evil. Going through the books will help me remember and keep the different kings straight. The one thing I did remember, the one thing that always sticks in minds like mine, was that the books of Kings were filled with action!

I remember as a boy, with my children's illustrated bible, was that the books of kings were the ones where battles were pitched, kings leading great armies into battle, and of course, the losing king would always get hit by a stray arrow or fall on his sword or something. Yep, like a lot of the old testament, there was always action in Kings.

I still recall one pledge entertainment we had to do on a May monday night meeting (in AΓΩ the pledges have to perform skits and stuff to entertain the actives after dinner). We had wracked out brains all weekend trying to come up with something that wouldn't get us booed, and wouldn't get us in trouble. I forget who suggested a brief reenactment of the old testament (mostly the action scenes). Well, since we couldn't come up anything better, we all decided to go with it. We went out to safeway the night before and picked up all the supplies, with one of the members writing the script and narrating it for us. The rest of us had no lines, just a bit of silent acting.

Oh, one minor detail I may have forgotten to mention: this was a brief history of the old testament reenacted with pies. We had about 60-80 paper plates filled with whipped cream and tarp laid out on the ground. Basically, our inspiration were the great Laurel and Hardy pie fights from the black & white days. Since we were working with live ammo, we had one shot to get it right. The second Michael started narrating, the pies flew. It was magnificent. *sigh* To this day, the story of Jehoshaphat's victory over the Moabites (me) conjure up the memory of a six-pie bombardment.

Good thing we don't do much skits in Acacia.


j- said...

that sounds like an AMAZING skit!!!

deBOrah said...

we can bring skits back to acacia..