Monday, January 9, 2012

missed the bandwagon...

It doesn't matter if you avoid the TV, turn the radio to classical on the morning drive, or completely ignore the internet this morning, it's unavoidable that you'll hear someone, somewhere, talking about tebow-mania. You got elementary students tebowing next to school busses, radio commentators on sports and christian radio stations gushing about this hairy-faced kid, even pastors mentioning him in sermons.

I'm not sold yet.

Don't get me wrong, the guy's got talent (I don't think he would've gotten drafted otherwise), and he's a good role model for kids and grownups alike. I just don't see how one game, one game changes all of that. I'm still not sold on the "tebow magic" or what everyone characterizes as a game-changer. I think that's not giving others on the team the credit they deserve for the victory. Denver's defense got five sacks on the steeler's QB and the offense was playing better than usual. I still don't see how it's tebow magic (at least I'm not convinced yet).

I don't mean to be a downer or anything. I mean he's a good player and if I had kids, he'd make a great rolemodel (although Brian Dawkins on the Broncos is also a good rolemodel). I dunno, maybe after a few more weeks of winning I'll be convinced, but for now, you will not see me tebowing, or gushing/fawning, or tatooing I *heart* tebow anywhere yet. We'll see how he does against the buzzsaw next week.

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