Tuesday, January 31, 2012

hello moto.

A new survey conducted by the marketing agency, 11mark, polled 1,000 americans on their cellphone habits reveal a few disturbing statistics. Roughly 75% of americans use their cellphones in the bathroom, while for people between 28-35 that percentage jumps to 91%. For men it’s 74%, while 76% of women are texting/calling/surfing the web (clearly they’re the better multi-taskers). Droid users are also more likely to use their phones in the bathroom, with 87% responding that they use their phones on the toilet, while blackberry ranks at 84%, with iphone users lagging behind at 77%. Blackberry users however, are mostly likely to answer a call (75%), vs droid (67%) or iphone users (60%). Iphone users are more predisposed to make purchases while indisposed (22%), versus only 10% of cellphones users overall. I didn’t read through the whole study (I think you have to register), but the press release offered the juiciest stats (read into it what you must…). It’s worth pointing out that the list of cellphone activities polled does not include blogging…

“The writing is on the stall,” says Nicole Burdette, principal, 11mark. “This study confirms what we all know – that the last private place is no longer private. And, that the “mobile-everywhere” phenomenon is flushing out a host of new opportunities for savvy communicators.” (I’m sure there was absolutely no pun intended there)

I know smartphones are intended to make us more connected, but my goodness, the stats are a little disturbing. For people (nearly) in my generation, 91%!! That’s a little disturbing (I wonder if anyone is reading this from behind the stall door…I won’t judge). As a male droid and blackberry user in my 20’s, I can say the statistics definitely do not look good for me. It’s becoming increasingly self-evident that the new saving grace for cellphone users everywhere is going to be the awesomeness that is triple-ply.

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