Sunday, October 28, 2012

cute fuzzy animals, pt. 2 - the perfect storm

***If you read the last post, you should have learned your lesson by now. If you're still reading this, I'm assuming you know what you're getting yourself into...***

So Romney and Obama are currently hotly contesting the last remaining 10 battleground states of Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. With 538 total electoral votes at stake, one must reach the magical number of 270 electoral votes to take the election. Of course, political analyst all over are pouring over the various permutations of states that could decide the election.

Assuming each win the ones they're already projected to win, there is one interesting permutation out there that makes things very interesting. If Obama wins Ohio, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and Romney wins the rest of the battleground states, electoral math would give us a tie vote at 269 each.

Assuming no elector goes rogue and throws the election, this gives a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Presidential election go to the House of Representatives (the current session) for a vote; however, it's not just a regular vote. This is a special vote in which each delegation (state) gets one vote. Currently there are 33 republican controlled states in the House, which means Romney will emerge the likely victor.

The Vice Presidential seat isn't determined by this vote, as the VP is also the President of the Senate, so in the event of a electoral gridlock, the Senate (current) gets to elect the next VP. The Senate is currently controlled by the Democrats, so Biden will likely emerge as the VP, giving us the first P/VP combo from opposing parties since the 1796 election (Adams/Jefferson). Now wouldn't that be a hoot?

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