Wednesday, October 10, 2012

hypothetical future occupation?

A comment left on a post from a few days ago, combined with the fact that I just watched "what to expect when you're expecting", has sparked an interest in the rare but growing american phenomenon that is the househusband. According to wikipedia, a stay-at-home-dad is a father who is the main caregiver of the children and is the homemaker of the household. As families evolve and women have taken on greater roles in the workplace, income parity has caused a shift in male/female roles in the home.

Apparently, the industrial revolution is responsible for the downfall of the househusband. Pre-industrial-revolution era saw the father more involved in the family life, taking care of the kids along with the wife and running the family as an individual, self-sustaining unit. The advent of technology caused the father to start going to work for other people and becoming more dependent on a centralized unit (i.e. company) to be able to provide for his family (as opposed to hunting and farming). Of course we can’t really blame the industrial revolution as being all bad…we did get much goodness out of it (i.e. showers).

I suppose with evolving family roles and a sour economy it is becoming more and more socially acceptable for a guy to take on the home-making role. This social openness has led many more secretive househusbands to "come out of the pantry".

Well, since I was looking it up anyways, my curiosity sparked a wider search, and I came across some househusband gadgets...pretty cool stuff! Check out the below for a sampling:

NFL Apron (for barbecuing of course…) – ever wanted to grill those perfect ribs while making a statement about your favorite team?! Well this is the product for you!
Functionality: 5/10
Price: 3/10

The Roomba – tired of sweeping the floors? This will make cleaning and vacuuming as simple as pushing a button and making sure the kids are standing/sitting on something sturdy.
Functionality: 7/10
Price: 4/10

The Magical Cube – this gem usually comes with large appliances such as refrigerators and washer/dryers. The magical cube can be transformed into a fort for the kids or a time machine (with a little imagination) or even a transmogrifier. The magical cube also goes by a more common name: the cardboard box.
Functionality: 10/10
Price: 10/10

Aside from the fun gadgets, apparently there's other pretty neat things about househusbandry. Recently I've been watching some pretty cool cooking videos on youtube and food network. I doubt this will be me in the future (lol never say never?), but I suppose I wouldn't mind cooking...full time or not. Have a look at the following video and tell me you don't wanna get your hands dirty. =)


deBOrah said...

time to get your pinterest boards fired up! ;)

Jack Zhu said...

lol ionno...i just had a look - too much artsy-fartsy stuff...very intimidating. Although, according to wikipedia 53% of users in the UK are apparently men my age.