Tuesday, November 15, 2011

100 words | quest for a hobby

Everybody, it seems, has something they do. For some, it’s mountain biking, for others, photography. I have nothing. I don’t snowboard, I don’t take pictures (at least not with any skill), I don’t knit, I don’t even fish regularly, and I think I’ve reached the age where bumming around the house on weekends and being a homebody isn’t cutting it anymore. I would like something. Maybe something out of my home, as long as it’s not woodworking, knitting, or jigsaw puzzles (last one I tried was called “blue sky”). Yes, I need to find something to do. Got any suggestions?


mike said...

so uhh... after this past weekend is anything outdoors completely out of the question?

Jack Zhu said...

eh...we'll see after the toenail grows back.

Brian Cho said...

root for a different team OTHER than the eagles. hahaha