Friday, December 14, 2012

twenty-five | day 14 – a little holiday sadness

tis advent season
joy cometh in the morning
sure could use some now

It’s sad that in the holiday season, something like today could happen. I’m sure you’ve all heard by now about the shootings this morning. It just disappoints me when I see what evil some people are capable of. Joy cometh in the morning, scripture tells us. I sure hope so. I’m saddened to hear about the shootings in Connecticut, and I can’t begin to imagine what goes on in the guy’s head that causes him to do this. All I can say with fair certainty, is that he wasn’t born wanting to do this. Maybe something in the environment he grew up in caused him to snap. Maybe he was too taken in with the violence and mayhem in the culture. I don’t know. I don’t know what people in the coming days/months will suggest we do to prevent these things from happening again. I just know that people aren’t born wanting to do this. All throughout the day people at work were talking about what happened, sharing articles on the details. I kept hearing about horror stories from teachers with kids, kids that just wanted to make it till Christmas. Kids shouldn’t have to wish for that, and teachers shouldn’t have to hear their kids say that. I know they will be in the prayers of many people tonight.

Joy comes in the morning. I sure hope David is right.

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